Monday, May 11, 2009

The World of 2d Animation

As an artist with formal training in animation, something we often discuss in the animation field is the advantages and disadvantages of 2D animation versus 3D animation. A few years ago, when 3D animation (like Shrek) became readily and economically available, film directors sort of decided that 2D animation (that is, traditional "pencil and paper" animation, like The Lion King) was an antiquated art, to be replaced by 3D, computer animation. Studios like Disney and Dreamworks suddenly shut down their 2D studios, putting hundreds of animators out of work, and creating a stigma that 2D animation was a lesser art.

Well, luckily, lately artists have come to realize that 2D and 3D animation both have their place - neither is really greater than the other! They are simply different mediums, like oil paint versus watercolor paint.

In my time at SCAD, we have been talking about "The Princess and The Frog" for years. This is Disney's first 2D feature film since disbanding their 2D studios in 2004. They have called back many of the great Disney artists for this film, but it is particularly exciting for a young animator like me, because there is much fresh, new talent on this film - a few of whom are recent SCAD graduates!

Here's the latest trailer for "The Princess and The Frog" - a true milestone for the art of animation!

And while we're at it, here's a shameless plug for my own film, "Buddy". This is my senior thesis film, created in 20 weeks at SCAD, using mostly 2d Flash techniques. Enjoy!


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